• Top 16 period features increasing in popularity this year
    Posted on 5 October 2023

    Top 16 period features increasing in popularity this year

    With #periodhomestyle tagged 30,000 times on Instagram, it’s not hard to figure out that we love period properties. Pages, hashtags, websites, and more are dedicated to highlighting and preserving these gorgeous features which make a period home stand out.

    To find the most popular ones, we collated the number of Instagram hashtags per trend, uncovering what households are loving online.

    Taking the top spot is ceiling cornices, with more than 211,550 tagged Instagram posts featuring the traditional design. Adding a decorative touch to the corners of rooms where walls and ceilings meet, we're not surprised it's one of the most popular.

    In second and third place, respectively, came wall panelling (148,410) and timber floors (110,377).

    Unlike shorter-lived interior trends, panelling is here to stay due to its timeless appeal, as well as being an easy DIY task to take on yourself. Timber floors are also catching on, giving your home an authentic look.

    Elsewhere, other sought-after features include Victorian fireplaces (21,119), ceiling roses (17,351) and cast-iron radiators (14,516). While many want to modernise their homes, it seems Brits still want to inject a little tradition, too.

    Take a look at the full findings below...

    Top 16 interior period features increasing in popularity

    1.     Ceiling cornices (211,550 Instagram hashtags)

    2.     Panelling (148,410)

    3.     Timber floors (110,377)

    4.     Encaustic tiles (63,589)

    5.     Corbels (35,300)

    6.     Roll-top bath (31,703)

    7.     Skirting board (24,493)

    8.     Victorian fireplace (21,119)

    9.     Architrave (20,164)

    10.  Ceiling roses (17,351)

    11.  Beams (15,752)

    12.  Cast iron radiator (14,516)

    13.  Picture rails (11,453)

    14.  Butler sink (8,098)

    15.  Dado rails (4,568)

    16.  Victorian floor tiles (4,567)

    Have you got these in your home and you’re looking to make the most of them for your sale? Or perhaps these are exactly the features you’re looking for in your next home? Get in touch, we can help!
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  • Should I Move or Improve?
    Posted on 5 October 2023

    Should I Move or Improve?

    It’s All About the Space
    One of the most common reasons people look for when moving is that you are running out of space in your current property. This makes most people think that they either need to build an extension or buy a new property. However, a lot of people are not making the most of their space that they have, and by creating more open-plan spaces you are more likely to gain an increase of value to your property. So, this should be the first thing that homeowners look at before they start to think about moving on. Even if you do decide to sell then at least the value of your property will be higher than before and it will become more attractive to buyers, so it is worth evaluating and changing what you have before you commit to anything more.

    Adding Extra Space
    If you decide you really need to add extra space, perhaps because you have a growing family, then you should consider a loft conversion or a basement extension. Again, similarly to an open plan, either of these conversions can add up to 20% on the value of your home. This makes a great investment if you just need an additional room for your family or if you eventually plan to sub let it.

    Kitchen and Bathroom Upgrades
    If you are looking to make some changes to your home, then a remodel of the kitchen or bathroom is generally the most common one attempted. However, you need to bear in mind that spending £20,000 upgrading the bathroom isn’t necessarily going to add the same amount to the value of your home. This might not be a problem if you are planning on staying there forever. However, if you are looking to move on, then there are some cheaper upgrades you can make to improve value. Things like changing doors or fittings can freshen the room without costing the earth. You can also look at retiling and/or re-grouting to add instant value to your home without costing the earth.

    Final Thoughts
    When you decide that your home isn’t working for you anymore it can be tempting to just give up and move on. However, this is because most people don’t stop and think about how they are using their current property. With a little work, you can normally adapt your current place to make the most of the space you have and improve the value of your home.
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  • Is it time to take your home off the market?
    Posted on 5 October 2023

    Is it time to take your home off the market?

    One question you want to ask yourself having observed your property on the market for so long is how long is too long for my property to remain here? You certainly do not want your property to stay on the market for so long that prospective buyers begin to wonder if there is something wrong with it. Here is how you would know when it is time to take your home off the market for a break.

    When you generate no interest for 3 months - Little interest and you may be wary but no interest at all, you should be worried! The average time a property in the UK spends on the market irrespective of its type is 90 to 100 days and where your property generates no interest in that time, and then it might be time to take your home off the market for a break and consider marketing it with another agent.

    ●        When prospective buyers lay major complaints - These are signs that your property needs a major fix and you may want to take it off the market to fix it. Words often spread fast and people often leave reviews online sometimes, warning people off making bad purchases and you certainly do not want anyone to taint your property. Consider taking it off to work on such issues and you can even go the extra length to show the before and after pictures of your property after they’ve been taken care of.

    Just before you take your property off the market, you want to ensure that you have rid yourselves of factors that might be impeding its sales like…

    ●        Where your asking price is too high - You may consider reducing the pricing on your property to attract more buyers. Get an evaluator to re-assess the property and fix a new selling price. Many agents over value to get your business and you may find that the actual market price is a little less.

    ●        Not enlisting proper help – Aside from putting your home in the best condition pre-sale, you should make sure that you have all the bases covered. Get an agent who understands your market, has fantastic home marketing techniques, and will work hard to get your home sold quickly.

    Once your home is off the market, make a plan to get it back on after a break. Enlist a great estate agent and gather some advice on the best way to get your home sold. You’ll be thanking yourself once it’s back on, and sells quickly
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  • Tips for finding the perfect buy to let property
    Posted on 5 October 2023

    Tips for finding the perfect buy to let property

    Reality said, buy-to-let properties are good ways to invest and with the right type, proper income is guaranteed. But like most other investments, risks can’t be overlooked. Here are few steps and tips to keep in mind:

    Have an idea about customers
    It must never be forgotten about who the property is to be rented to. Landlords with a clear idea about the unique selling point (USP) of the apartment or house will only find those who are the main target areas. For example, students or those beginning their professional life will naturally not be able to afford a higher amount as rent. Hence, the priority will be pricing rather than the make and type of the property let out to them.

    Understand the market
    It’s a must to understand that rise in the rates of houses implies that larger gains can be made above the mortgage debt. But the drawback is that when the rates decrease, the mortgage stays the same. Landlords know that several changes keep happening and will continue to do so as regards mortgages and taxes are involved. It’s imperative that market trends are to be followed closely by them, lest issues arise for which they won’t stay prepared, well in advance.

    Choosing the most appropriate investment area
    While there’s no harm in taking risks, but investing in areas that one is familiar with makes for a better decision. Doing the research work beforehand is no doubt the safest option. This includes checking for local amenities, transportation, access to nearby zones and more. Also, it’s recommended to invest in smaller properties owing to chances of faster renting.

    Placing oneself in the very zone
    Being and staying in the place of the landlord is a different experience altogether. But the most efficient is that person who would plan on living himself or herself in that very location. By taking into account as the first person, there is a greater likelihood of increasing the prospects of the property to be rented out.

    In this entire process, a lot of things can be learnt. It might not be possible to weigh the shortcomings all at once but a clear idea about how a buy-to-let property should be designed. It takes considerable time to invest in real estate and facing issues immediately after a tenant has moved in can pose several issues. To counteract these possible consequences and spare oneself of considerable expenditure, the safest bet will always be to keep the tips and tricks handy. In fact, it makes sense for several future generations too.
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  • How to Make the Most of Winter (Instead of Hiding Under the Duvet)
    Posted on 5 October 2023

    How to Make the Most of Winter (Instead of Hiding Under the Duvet)

    Are you struggling with the dark days and long nights that kick in at this time of year? Don’t worry – you’re not alone.

    Millions of Brits experience a dip in mood during the colder, greyer months, often referred to as the ‘Winter Blues’.

    Some go on to develop Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – a type of winter depression that seriously impacts everyday life.

    Symptoms include lethargy, mood swings, oversleeping, and appetite changes (especially a craving for carbs).

    Here are five ways to fight off the blues over the coming months.

    1)     Bask in the light
    As SAD is closely linked to a lack of exposure to sunlight, make sure you spend time outdoors every day (especially when the sun is out). Maximise the light in your home and workplace by opening curtains and blinds during the day.

    2)     Eat well
    Avoid calorie-laden carbs – they’ll make you want to snooze on the sofa. Instead, eat oily fish, eggs, mushrooms, and red meat as they contain Vitamin D, a nutrient we usually get from exposure to the sun.

    3)     Exercise
    Exercise produces feel-good endorphins and improves your sleep. Enlist a friend to be your winter exercise buddy to keep you motivated.

    4)     Live like a Scandi
    Embrace the Nordic concept of Friluftsliv, which means ‘outdoor living’. This involves exercising and socialising outside in the colder months. If you have outdoor space at your home, install a fire pit, chiminea or outdoor heating, and fairy lights or lanterns. Then invite some friends over for an alfresco tipple.

    5)     Take the plunge
    If you’re feeling brave, why not try cold water swimming? Researchers believe it can boost your mood, sleep, and circulation. Coldwater newbies should take things slowly and always swim with someone else and in a safe location.

    And if you’re still struggling

    Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to speak to your GP if you feel like things are getting on top of you. They may suggest getting a light box (a special lamp that emits bright light), counselling, or prescribe medication.

    From all of us here at Pinkertons, take care of yourself and thanks for reading.
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  • 5 questions that tenants should always ask on a viewing
    Posted on 29 September 2023

    5 questions that tenants should always ask on a viewing

    What am I responsible for within the property?
    When you live in a rental property it is important that you know what you need to take care of. Of course, many of the larger repair and maintenance jobs are going to need to be undertaken by the landlord (or at the least the costs covered by them) however, many rental properties also have some more everyday tasks that the tenant is going to need to do. This includes cleaning windows, mowing the lawn and general upkeep of the garden too. So, it is always worthwhile knowing what would be expected of you right from the very start.

    Do you know who lives next door?
    The neighbours come as part of the parcel when you are looking for your ideal home. It is usually a good idea to try and get along as best as you can. It is worthwhile asking at a viewing if the agent knows who lives next door. Is it a family? Perhaps it is a house share? You might not be able to get many details at this time, but having a rough idea of what to expect could help to sway your decision.

    Is the property unfurnished or furnished?
    Rental properties are usually available either unfurnished or furnished. An unfurnished property is empty of furnishings such as sofa’s and beds. A furnished property will include these items. That said, an unfurnished property doesn’t always mean that it is completely empty, usually you will find that an unfurnished property will still come with the large kitchen appliances such as a cooker, washing machine and a fridge. Although you should definitely check this out when it comes to viewing a property.

    Can I decorate at all?
    Renting a property will usually mean that you have to just accept it as it is. You won't be able to make many changes to the décor. However, that isn’t to say that you shouldn’t at least ask the question. Whilst some landlords are really not keen on the idea of the tenants grabbing a paintbrush and getting to work, there are some that are happy to give them some creative control. It is always a good idea to ask this at the earliest stages, as this may make a difference to the property you choose.

    What are the fees?
    Moving into a new home costs money, whether you are renting or buying. This means that having some idea of the fees and charges that you are going to have to pay will really help you to budget. Chances are that you will have already looked into the agent fees for the property that you liked, but it is always worthwhile asking the agent to confirm this when you are viewing the property.  

    As you can see, there are plenty of questions to ask when you view a rental property. Make sure that you find out the information that is most important to you and you can make sure that you find the right home for you and for your family.
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  • Top tips for first time renters
    Posted on 29 September 2023

    Top tips for first time renters

    Moving out on your own can be an equally exciting and daunting process. It is likely to be the first time you’ve ever had to pay your own bills, shop for your own food and keep an entire property clean and in a habitable condition.

    You are going to need to juggle several different bills which means budgeting your hard-earned money, you will have far less spare cash floating around than you are used to (trust me this takes some adjusting to), and you are possibly going to need to source furniture and other household items.

    With so many bits and pieces to consider, it is easy to overlook some of the less obvious factors that you need to take into account. Thankfully we are here to help with our top tips for first time renters…

    Contents insurance
    Your landlord is responsible for insuring the property itself, but a condition of your tenancy agreement will more than likely be that you get contents cover. This is simple enough if you are living alone or with your family as you just need to hit the comparison sites and find the best deal.

    However, it can be a bit trickier if you are living in a shared house as many policies won’t cover them. So, double check any policies that you are offered and always let them know that it’s a shared house or you could end up with your insurance being invalidated.

    Is your deposit protected?
    Since 2007 it has been law that your landlord must put your deposit into a protected deposit scheme. If they do not, they can be fined and be liable to pay you up to three times the deposit amount.

    Check if your deposit is protected. It also helps to protect your rights when it comes to trying to reclaim the deposit at the end of your tenancy.

    Getting your deposit back
    Make sure that you check your contract for the exact conditions of your deposit being returned to you. It may request a deep clean of the property, it may say that carpets must be cleaned professionally, or that any picture hooks must be removed and filled in. Knowing what will be expected of you (and what won’t be) will help you to prepare for the future better.

    Make sure that you repair any damage that you have caused to the property and ensure that nothing is missing or broken. Once everything is moved out, you can go in and give the place a thorough clean to ensure that you leave it spick and span.

    Lastly, make sure that you take time stamped pictures of all areas, in case you need to prove what condition you left the house in. If you feel that your deposit is being withheld unfairly then it is worth fighting for, and the more evidence you have to back yourself up, the better.

    Shop around for utilities
    You could save hundreds of pounds on your gas and/or electricity by shopping around. It’s amazing how many people just stay with the same supplier that the previous tenant had, but it’s completely unnecessary.

    Switching supplier is really easy and you might be surprised at how much you can save. Most of the comparison websites allow you to switch right through the site, with just a few button clicks, so there’s no excuse not to get the best deal.

    Free furniture
    Don’t feel like you have to go out buying all brand new furnishings either. You may have a picture in your head of your new and super stylish pad, but it’s best to manage your expectations. Websites such as Freecycle have loads of free stuff that you can acquire for your house.

    Don’t forget that once your house is all kitted out, you can slowly start replacing things with something more in keeping with your own style, as you can afford them.

    Boosting your credit score
    It’s possible to boost your credit score by reporting your rent paid, so ensure to pay on time if you one day plan on buying a home or want to lease a car. It’s important to know though that paying your rent on time each month doesn’t automatically boost your score and some companies may not even consider it, so remember to build credit in other ways too.

    Take pictures when you move in
    Make sure that you take pictures of the house when you move in. Pay special attention to any areas of concern and check them against the contents inventory. This will help you avoid any issues at the end of the tenancy, if you get accused of causing damage that was already present when you got there.

    There are some of our top tips for when renting your first home… Please let us know if you are planning to make the leap this year and also if we’ve missed off anything important!
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  • Create the perfect outdoor winter wonderland at home!
    Posted on 29 September 2023

    Create the perfect outdoor winter wonderland at home!

    Sure, gardens are glorious in the summer when your planters are in full bloom and you’re soaking up the sunshine but when the mercury drops, you might be less inclined to spend time outdoors. Why not get creative and spend a little time and effort into keeping your outdoor space usable and inviting long after you’ve put away the Pimms?

    Get cosy
    Stargazing doesn’t need to stop at the end of summer. In fact, as the night’s draw in, you have even longer to explore the universe! Grab a hot cup of cocoa and point your gaze skyward. One great way to encourage your loved ones outdoors is to invest in a patio heater, which can be purchased pretty inexpensively.

    Another fantastic source of heat is to gather your family around a cast iron, steel or clay chimney or wood burner. Again, these are handy to pop into the shed when not in use and can be fuelled by wood and kindling, making them cheap to run. Building a budget-friendly fire pit can take very little cash and a small amount of effort but we’re sure it will all be worth it when you’re toasting marshmallows under cosy blankets with your pals.

    Summer house or winter house?
    Summer houses can become a lovely focal point for your outside space. Coming in all shapes and sizes, they can be popped into the snuggest of corners so that you can enjoy the outdoors from indoors! We’re sure your new structure will become a favourite space for reading, hobbies and socialising. Speaking of hobbies, if you really are the crafty type, why not go a step further and build that workshop you’ve always wanted.

    A winter kitchen
    The onset of winter doesn’t mean your outdoor kitchen has to close until next year. Barbequed food can be on the menu year round. Investing in a good gas model with a sturdy hood will make sure that gales are less likely to hamper your attempts.

    Gazebos and canopies will be worth their weight in gold when you can whip up a barbecued feast, even if it’s bucketing down. Installing a pizza oven is another way to make your outdoor space usable year-round. You don’t need to spend heaps of time outdoors if it’s a wood-fired pizza oven as this is a relatively quick cooking method. This is always good news!

    Light it up!
    When it’s dark and gloomy outside, make sure your garden stays bright by installing some outdoor lighting. Who says fairy lights are only for the festive season? Keep your garden twinkling year round by draping a few strings around your favourite trees and hedges. Solar powered outdoor lighting is low maintenance and low cost and can make a big difference to how welcoming your garden looks in the evening.

    For more tips and tricks for your home this winter, read our other blogs, or connect with us on social media!
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  • 14 upgrades and routines to be happier in your home
    Posted on 29 September 2023

    14 upgrades and routines to be happier in your home

    It’s no secret that our surroundings affect our mood, but they might have a bigger impact on our well-being than you think. In fact, according to a recent study, 70% of homeowners said that the design of their home has affected their well-being during the pandemic. So, if you’ve been feeling down and can’t quite put a finger on why, your home may be to blame.

    Find out what you can do around the house to give yourself a much-needed mood boost.

    1. Design a home gym to make a happy home
    Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve your overall well-being. Many people had to get creative with their at-home workouts, substituting household items for gym equipment in living rooms and bedrooms.

    It may have been difficult at first to adapt your routine, but if you’ve come to love the convenience of your home set-up, it may be time to make some upgrades. Start by clearing space and creating a dedicated exercise area in your spare room. Next, add shock-absorbent rubber flooring for weighted exercises, gym equipment that’ll help you reach your fitness goals, and a mirror so you can keep an eye on your form. You can even include a fan to keep cool and a TV to follow along with a personal trainer or video workouts.

    2. Create a habit of routine cleaning
    It’s hard to get in the right headspace when your home is dirty. A clean home is not only better for our overall health and well-being by reducing indoor allergens, but it also has a positive impact on our mood. Get in the habit of cleaning your home a couple of times a week. Routine cleaning includes vacuuming, dusting regularly, wiping down countertops and surfaces, and cleaning your bathrooms and kitchen.

    3. Declutter your home and boost productivity
    As a homeowner, it’s common to accumulate stuff over the years and not realise it until your home is in disarray. Your mess just becomes everyday junk that you no longer notice. But the piles of paper, boxes of toys, and mounds of clothes can negatively impact your overall mental state. Eliminate this source of stress in your life. Follow these general guidelines as you declutter your way towards a happier home:

    • Break your project up room-by-room, and don’t move on until the room is finished. This way, you don’t end up lost in an endless pile of stuff.

    • Begin categorising. One for belongings you’d like to keep, one as a “maybe” pile, and another one for items you’ll donate. In a few days, come back to the maybe pile and make final cuts. If you don’t use it, don’t want it, or don’t need it, get rid of it.

    • Check the expiration date and throw out any expired items. Be especially thorough when looking at items in the kitchen, pantry, bathroom, and medicine cabinet.

    • Sort through your closet and donate or toss clothes or shoes you no longer need.

    • Don’t allow papers to pile up. Our countertops can be quickly overrun with bills, flyers, and mail. Sort through these papers immediately, toss whatever isn’t important, and find a suitable storage option for the others.

    4. Improve your home organisation
    There are countless benefits to becoming (and staying) organised. Organisation doesn’t just mean your belongings are in the right place, it can also be beneficial to your well-being.

    Living in an organised home makes everyday tasks that much easier, even if it’s something simple like locating your house keys or finding your phone charger.

    5. Designate a space for mind and body practices
    There’s nothing better than the immediate sense of calm that washes over you when you’ve stepped into a yoga studio or meditation centre. If you’re looking for a way to bring more peace and tranquillity into your home, think about designating a space for yoga or meditation.

    6. Boost kerb appeal to welcome you home with open arms
    It’s common knowledge that a beautiful garden and a freshly painted exterior can increase the value of your home. But a home with kerb appeal also has the ability to make you feel happier and is an essential ingredient for a happy home. A beautiful lawn with freshly trimmed plants, a stone walkway, and an inviting front porch is sure to make you smile as you pull into the driveway.

    7. Schedule an annual plumbing inspection
    Maintaining a happy home and improving your overall well-being also includes regular maintenance and inspection of your home’s plumbing system. Before any issues spiral out of hand, and to help you save time, money, and heartache, schedule an appointment for a yearly plumbing check-up. A professional will be able to detect small or developing leaks, find the root cause of a clogged drain, and much more.

    8. Incorporate smart home technology
    Thanks to smart home technology, healthy living is easier than ever. COVID-19 has brought to light just how easily germs can spread, which has amplified the demand for clean surfaces and filtered air. From air quality sensors and comfort-focused sleep technology, to water purifiers and UV disinfectant lights, your options are endless and will help you keep a healthy and happy at home.

    9. Reduce monthly bills with LED light bulbs
    A happy home can also mean an efficient home. Since you’re probably spending more time at home than ever before, you might have noticed an increase in the time spent with the lights on, and therefore an increase in your energy bills. Consider switching to energy-efficient LED light bulbs.

    10. Refresh your space with a coat of paint
    The colours you choose to surround yourself with have a drastic impact on your mood. White walls can promote positivity and cleanliness, blue instils productivity and tranquillity, and green relieves stress and has a calming effect. So, if you’re looking for a change in the mood of a room, consider painting your walls.

    11. Increase your vitamin D exposure with a sunroom
    It’s no secret that sunshine has a profound effect on our mood and mental health. If you’re looking for a way to enjoy the many benefits of vitamin D and sunshine all year round, consider adding a sunroom to your home.

    12. Instil peace of mind with an alarm system
    Everyone wants to feel safe. While installing a home security system isn’t cheap, your peace of mind is priceless. Improving home security should be your first step towards feeling safer and happier at home.

    13. Create a reading nook to escape to
    For many of us, nothing beats getting lost in a good book. It provides a temporary escape from reality and life’s everyday stresses. It can also improve your sleep, reduce anxiety, enhance social skills, and boost intelligence. If you love to cosy up with a book, consider creating a reading nook in a quiet space in your home. Find a private corner surrounded by bookshelves or a space you can only access by ladder, your options are endless.

    Personalise the space with plants, candles, and wall hangings. Adding pillows and blankets to your new space brings warmth and comfort. If your book nook is away from windows, be sure to add outlets and lighting so you can enjoy the space at any time of day.

    14. Replace your windows for better insulation
    The temperature of your surrounding environment plays a very important role in how comfortable and relaxed you feel, and cold spaces can lead you to feel unmotivated. If your windows are drafty, consider replacing them to stay happier at home. After all, a warm home is a happy home. And a better-insulated home can save you up to 15% annually on energy bills.

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  • Your perfect home should reflect your personality
    Posted on 29 September 2023

    Your perfect home should reflect your personality

    The design of your home can be an expression of yourself and build a story through the colours and styles that you choose. Our homes are our havens, so when it comes down to it, they should reflect the people who live in them.

    If you are someone who likes to be organised in life, then the chances are that your house will be clean and spacious, and there won’t be a pile of clutter in sight. Homes with lots of storage and simple designs reflect those who are logical and calm, and like to have things planned out.

    For those who love the outdoors, homes will be full of plants and flowers, with a garden bursting at the seams. It is important to make sure your home reflects your lifestyle, as how you feel in your day to day life should be the same when you’re in your home.

    Colours really represent who you are and how you feel. There are many different studies out there that focus on colour psychology and how different colours can make you feel different emotions. Choosing a colour for your walls and furnishings is therefore quite an important task.

    You are likely to spend a lot of time in your home, so it is important that you decorate using colours that you like. If you have bright colours and large patterns, then you are likely to be quite outgoing, but more neutral colours tend to reflect more introvert and laid back people.

    There are many different ways that personality can be reflected through the accessories around your home. You may be a fairly quiet person, but the yellow cushions on your sofa or the floral tablecloth you choose in your kitchen could reflect your positive outlook in life.
    The pictures you have on your walls or the designs you choose for your curtains could also reflect your love of animals, without actually taking over the house. It’s nice to inject your personality into all the different accessories around your home and garden.

    A great way to find out about someone is to learn about his or her experiences, and often these can be seen around the home. Homeowners that spend a lot of time travelling often bring home keepsakes and trinkets that can be found in various rooms, showing the experiences that they have had in life.

    The experiences you have tell a story and are reflected in who you are and how you feel, and this is then reflected in your home decorations. It’s great for someone to be able to walk into your home and really feel that it represents you.

    The way you decorate your home can definitely affect the dynamics of any relationships you have in the house. Think about all the different people who live with you and how their personality could also be reflected in the way your home is decorated.

    If you have kids your home may have some smaller pieces of furniture or rooms with brighter walls. If you live with your other half, you may choose colours that reflect love and romance, turning your house into a warm and cosy home to share together.
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