It never ceases to surprise us how many DIY landlords are not compliant with even basic legislation.
Legislation can be a minefield for landlords. It is estimated that there are more than 168 individual rules and regulations that apply to the Private Rented Sector, and these are often amended and updated – sometimes at relatively short notice.
So not only is there a lot for landlords to know and understand, but if you don’t have a reliable way of staying up to date with changes, you could easily find yourself unknowingly falling foul of the law, which could be very costly, both financially and personally.
Until 30th September 2022, we are offering a complementary Tenancy Review for all landlords, even those who are not clients of Pinkertons Estate Agents!
Contact our team on 02891 479393 or by email at info@pinkertonsni.com to find out more.
Legislation can be a minefield for landlords. It is estimated that there are more than 168 individual rules and regulations that apply to the Private Rented Sector, and these are often amended and updated – sometimes at relatively short notice.
So not only is there a lot for landlords to know and understand, but if you don’t have a reliable way of staying up to date with changes, you could easily find yourself unknowingly falling foul of the law, which could be very costly, both financially and personally.
Until 30th September 2022, we are offering a complementary Tenancy Review for all landlords, even those who are not clients of Pinkertons Estate Agents!
Contact our team on 02891 479393 or by email at info@pinkertonsni.com to find out more.